Note NinBob's SWEET ninja kicks as he deftly wields the numchucks and sword in a blinding storm of destruction. This
kind of skill can only come from years of discipline, dedication and proper training.
There is a ninja cleverly camoflauged in each of the two pictures below. Can you find them?
This one is even harder. Can you see the stealthy assassin??
Everyone knows that the Ninja Kick is the most devastating kick in all of martial arts! Anyone who gets ninja
kicked STAYS KICKED. Here we see Ningeorge (above) execute the Wikked Wig Splitta High Kick.
Ryuji's alertness and awesome ninja reflexes save his life!
Spotting the mafia hit man sneaking up on him, he whips out his salami and thrashes him but good! Remember, to a skilled ninja,
everything is a weapon- EVEN HIS SALAMI!!
Super Grandmaster NinBob demonstrates the flying ninja kick. This AWESOME kick is too fast for the camera to
capture! REMEMBER KIDDIES- This is a MASTER LEVEL technique that takes YEARS to learn. It should not be attempted by novices
without proper training and supervision by a master ninja. Otherwise you risk injuries, split pants and pulled nads!