(Above) This is Tweety. She's one lucky lady. Not only does she rule cuz she digs ninjas, but her husband is a wicked
clown professional wrestler too, which is about as cool as being a ninja! Pro wrestling rocks. Not as much as stealthily killing
for a living, but it's darn close. Thanks for the pics, Tweety!
(Right) Our lovely NinJen opts for a painted-on ninja uniform. It goes on fast, allows for freedom of movement, and comes
off with a little soap and water.
For More Tweety, Click Here to Visit her G.L.O.R.Y. Wrestling Profile!
Left: This is LeeLee. This is the only photo we have been able to get so far. She's pretty secretive
because she's a member of a ninja ryu in Kyoto, which is in I think Cuba or France or something. Anyways, if there's anything
more irresistible than a chick who digs ninjas, it's a ninja chick who digs ninjas.